Saturday, April 11, 2020
Should I Use a College Essay As a Writing Sample?
Should I Use a College Essay As a Writing Sample?How should I use a college essay as a writing sample? This is a question that I hear from many people, usually college students. One of the main reasons for this is that it is a fun experience, which can be rather enjoyable. However, when writing a college essay, you may find that you need to improve your writing skills in order to make it interesting.It may sound like a good idea to write an essay, then actually read it out loud so that it sounds good. However, in my opinion, this is not the best way to go about this. Using a college essay as a writing sample is important, but writing an essay alone does not mean that you will be able to present the ideas you want to convey to your reader.The second reason why you may want to use a college essay as a writing sample is because it can be done with or without notes. When writing an essay without notes, you are limited to what you can learn from those notes, which may be very limited. By using a college essay as a writing sample, you will have the opportunity to use notes and make notes from your own thoughts. This will help you make sure that your writing does not sound rushed and that you are free to express your ideas and concerns without being held back by having to add notes after your initial ideas.If you have no plans of working with notes but would still like to use a college essay as a writing sample, I suggest that you put together your own notes before you begin. This is a very personal process that requires you to do some thinking before you even start writing. Writing a college essay in this manner will allow you to do this.Writing a college essay is a very difficult process. Often times, a college student will forget something about their college essay that was the most important. By putting together your own notes, you will know exactly what you need to remember. By putting all of your thoughts down, you will allow yourself to keep track of what you w rote and when you wrote it.These are all reasons why you may want to use a college essay as a writing sample. By taking notes on the piece of paper, you will be able to utilize everything that you learned. By making notes at the end of the piece of paper, you will be able to look back at it and use that information.As long as you remember to take notes when you work with a college essay, you will be able to make it more than just a fun experience. Using a college essay as a writing sample can help you sharpen your writing skills while improving your style and presentation.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Positive learning enviroment Essay Example
Positive learning enviroment Essay To be effective in analyzing and evaluating strategies I will require to establish and maintain a positive learning environment (PEEL) within my lessons, I will first establish what constitutes a PEEL through my own understanding including further research. I will then go on to analyses and evaluate the strategies I will use, focusing on the overarching ideas of behavior management (MM) and expectations, safety and assessment. I will link these to the Teachers Standards (TTS) throughout. A PEEL, echoing the words of Jacques and Holland (2007,104), has attractive displays based on hillsides work is tidy has a purposeful atmosphere when children are working promotes children self esteem. This is by no means a definitive list explaining how to create a PEEL, but addresses the important strategies I will use to create a PEEL and discuss throughout this essay. Behavior for learning (FL) must be addressed when discussing how to create a PEEL. Both are high on the agenda of myself as a trainee teacher, the government and teaching unions. The government has given the role of shaping FL to the head teacher of individual schools who is required by the Department for Education (UDF) (2014, 4) to produce a school behavior policy effective as a strategy for establishing and maintaining a PEEL, which sets out procedures to promote good behavior, self-discipline and respect prevent bullying ensure that pupils complete assigned work and which regulate the conduct of pupils. These concepts must be included within each schools behavior policy to create an established expectation of behavior within the school. We will write a custom essay sample on Positive learning enviroment specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Positive learning enviroment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Positive learning enviroment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Looking at the behavior policy of Twofold Junior School (TTS), the school motto is Be proud to shine (TTS, 014,2), this has been developed by the children into a code of conduct summarized by the words Learn, Safe, Happy, Respectful (TTS, 2014, 2), echoing the requirements from the UDF for FL. The TTS behavior policy is vast and encompasses an amalgamation of ideas including behavior management and expectations, reward systems and inappropriate behavior management which will equip me as a trainee teacher to establish and maintain a PEEL within my lessons. Teaching unions to an extent, agree with the concepts outlined above from the UDF. Their interest in FL also aligns itself with the protection of pupils learning and teachers careers. In the National Union for Teachers charter Learning to Behave A Charter for Schools (no date,3) Any behavior that prejudices teaching and learning within schools is unacceptable For some teachers it can be the trigger for leaving the profession. Young people who exhibit unacceptable behavior diminish their own chances as well as those of their peers. Thinking how FL must be established through a government led school behavior policy and how it affects the Jobs of teachers, pupils and their learning through teaching unions it becomes clear how FL must first be established before a PEEL can exist. This is why I will begin with addressing BUM and expectations for a PEEL within this essay. In accordance with TTS of the Teachers Standards (TTS), teachers are to Manage behavior effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment (UDF,2011,12). Therefore BUM as a strategy for a PEEL is of utmost importance. TATS highlights the need for clear rules and routines accordance with the school behavior policy (UDF,2011,12) rules and routines create and shape the learning environment the way I want it to be. Having experienced how classrooms operate with and without a set rules and routines those with established lassoer rules having a quicker and more resolute way of dealing with inappropriate behavior I understand their need as a BUM tool within the classroom. I have also found through covering classes with a set of classroom rules on the wall, when asking the pupils my expectation of their behavior, they are quick and well equipped to respond. I will begin my teacher training creating a set of rules and routines with the pupils in agreement with Cicadas and Overall (1998,199) that Routines will work better if there is a shared and agreed understanding about them better if the children have helped to set them up. Through creating a set of rules and routines with my pupils, there will be a classroom behavior expectation which reflects the school behavior policy, promotes positive behavior and a feeling of security for the children of what to expect and what my expectations as a teacher are of them. As per Toss behavior policy Children know the consequence of breaking the rules TESTS supports this process which will encourage children to take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own work and study (UDF,2011 , 10) to own their behavior. Classroom rules and routines are extremely useful to maintain PEEL they have been constructed together and can be referred back to throughout the year to reinforce positive behavior. BUM strategies to aid and enforce classroom rules and routines are in great supply from differing praise and rewards systems, to strategies of dealing with inappropriate behavior which are vital in constructing FL and a PEEL. TTS has a long list in its behavior policy to support BUM rewarding positive behavior includes merit marks, stickers, golden time and many more which I can utilize as strategies for FL for a PEEL. I have observed one strategy use throughout Year 3 at TTS of the brick move which highlights good and inappropriate behavior. It is a BUM strategy, which leads to golden time on a Friday afternoon where children can play with toys and sports equipment of their choice a reward for working hard throughout the week. The brick move reward strategy is similar to that of a traffic light system using more Jumps from start to finish. This strategy can be used in a number of ways, moves forward for correct behavior expectations and praising courteous behavior as expressed in TATS, but also moves backwards to highlight inappropriate behavior. One of the most effective uses I have seen and used of the brick move strategy is its use for positive discipline and reinforcement of behavior. Toss behavior policy for dealing with incidences of inappropriate behavior includes tactically ignore, acknowledge on-task behavior and privately and openly encourage positive behavior (TTS,2014,4) all focus on deferring negative behavior and reinforcing positive behavior through a brick move. I have used this within classes, rewarding the pupils showing expected behavior and have found it very effective as a BUM tool. I know positive discipline is a fantastic aid to establishing and maintaining both BAL and a PEEL and agree with Rogers, positive discipline isomer than ones use of language it is about creating the best environment and social climate for teaching and learning. (Rogers ,2007,52). The TTS state the classroom should be a safe and stimulating environment for pupils, rooted in mutual respect (UDF,2011,10). Teeming with ideas, this extract requires breaking down into three parts safety, stimulation and respect. I will address these in the next paragraphs to discuss strategies I will use to create a PEEL. Abraham Mascots Theory of Human Motivation (1943) is an influential theory when thinking about the importance of safety within a classroom to establish a PEEL. Mason spoke about a hierarchy of needs required by humans to succeed in fulfilling their potential something which has been debated time again by those working in schools. Mason states There are at least five sets of goals, which we may call basic needs. These are briefly physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self- actualization. (Mason,1943). It is widely agreed that Mascots basic needs must be met for a PEEL to be established, children learn more effectively when they feel better bout being in this group and coping with this work, when fundamental needs are being met. (Rogers,1998,226). Greenhorns discusses strategies for a safe atmosphere within schools in his publication The classics are hard to beat (2012), including, clear expectations around behavior, supported by consistent sanctions. I have already discussed BUM through rules and routines these are also fundamental to feel safe children know what to expect, therefore feel secure. Its also necessary for children to know what to expect from myself as a teacher, It is important for teachers of all ages ND experience to be clear about exactly who they errand what they expect from their pupils. (Dixie,2007,8). When I first covered classes, I didnt introduce myself or state any expectations of rules or behavior BUM was difficult and I was inconsistent with it I know the children didnt feel they were in a safe or secure environment. Through observing lessons, it became clear an established expectation and consistency from teachers was expected by the children this is what I will aim to project throughout my teacher training, Young people want certainty from the adults in their lives. They need you to create and enforce boundaries to give them a feeling of security. (Cooley,2010,9). Creating a safe environment within a classroom to establish a PEEL requires using the strategy of inclusion. Inclusion provides a feeling of safety and security through the idea that children feel comfortable in the knowledge that as a teacher I will ensure that they have full access to the curriculum, Lessons should be planned to ensure that there are no barriers to every pupil achieving As a teacher, I am required to ensure Inclusion means enabling pupils to participate in the life and work of mainstream institutions to the est. of their abilities, whatever their needs (Dixie,2011 , 14), which suggests to create a PEEL inclusion must be linked with differentiation to create a safe environment. Differentiation maintains ITS B children are challenged within their own abilities and I should set high expectations for every pupil and plan stretching work for pupils whose attainment is significantly above the expected standard (UDF,2013,8). Inclusion and differentiation as strategies to establish a PEEL is a huge and varied group of ideas, from SEEN to GET children, deploying support staff effectively through focus roofs and one-to-one help as needed by ATSC, they are key tools which will able me to create a PEEL through engaging appropriate support systems. I will address ideas of stimulation within the classroom within the next paragraphs. As explored earlier, its important for children to feel safe and secure within a classroom to establish a PEEL my classroom will need to be a space that provides pupils with adequate light, heat and seating space and the opportunity to drink fluids, will hellhole pupils feel safe, secure, happy and ready to learn. This refers to Mascots idea that Asia needs of a person must be met a PEEL established, before they can fulfill their potential. The layout of a classroom is also important for BUM to create FL and a PEEL throughout wider reading I know there are many ways to structure a classroom I have thought about all as a strategy to create a PEEL and believe putting desks in groups in my Year 3 training year will be most effective. I will use rewards systems through table points, differentiate levels and set targets more effectively by grouping children of a similar ability together I will also be arranging my classroom so that I can get to ACH student quickly and easily without disturbing or moving others. Positive stimulation for a PEEL also comes through the effective use of displays within a classroom they are an invaluable tool and strategy for a teacher to promote positive messages that can be transmitted through the medium of effective collapsibility. (Dixie,2011 ,31). Classroom displays, if used effectively, suggest to pupils academic ideals, a positive attitude towards work and a reinforcement of an authority of rules, they can as TESTS states Encourage pupils to take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own work and study (UDF,2011 , 10). Displaying established classroom rules and routines will provide me as a trainee teacher, a tool and strategy to refer back to throughout the course of the year to ensure positive FL to maintain a PEEL. Stimulation within the classroom is also created through displays of children work by putting their work up on the wall I will be displaying exemplary work to be followed, bettered and create high expectations which children want to attain as per ITS. I will be setting targets for them to aspire to where They feel valued, they feel a sense of belonging, which in turn makes them feel happier about school. A happy child is a child who is less likely to cause disruption. (Dunn,2012,49), therefore a valuable strategy to create and maintain FL and a PEEL. Respect is the final part of the extract from the TTS I will look at, the idea that The development of a positive classroom climate depends on this relationship being two-way, your respect for pupils should be reciprocated in their respect for you, (Caribou,1998,70). Respect must be mutual for a PEEL to exist, as per DOTS At its heart, good behavior management is about good teacher/student relationships. I know as a teacher I am required to be knowledgeable about my students as stated by TESTS wrought educational means by having appropriate expectations and planning the correct level of work, but also understanding that behavior always has a reason and is quite often routed in the history of the child. I also believe that respect leads to a PEEL through consistent and fair teaching which takes us back to BUM and children knowing what to expect and what the teachers expectations are. Establishing a PEEL through respect should also be taught in the classroom, Students have to learn to accept that they are responsible for their behavior and its effect on others and the classroom environment. Rogers ,2008,153). Through being a respectful classroom, you can see that FL becomes positive, which in turn creates a PEEL. To close, I will address the idea of maintaining a PEEL through utilizing assessment effectively. Formative assessment as a strategy for PEEL can be seen in learning objectives, learning expectations, targets and many other means. Formative assessment links Joins the idea that in creating high expectations for pupils, a PEEL will be established as set out in ITS and the National Curriculum Teachers should use appropriate assessment to set targets which are deliberately ambitious. Targets also help your less able children feel a sense of achievement. (Cooley,2010,50) thus embedding the concept of a PEEL. As set out in ATSC, formative assessment can be used as a strategy to guide pupils to reflect on the progress they have made (UDF,2011,10). Both self, peer and teacher assessment through feedback, are amazing tools to create a PEEL through giving the responsibility of learning to the children, therefore Mascots idea that the creation of self esteem (through assessment) as a basic need allows children to fulfill their potential, The need to foster pupils self-esteem as learners is monumental to establishing a positive classroom climate, (Caribou,2008,73), therefore, The purpose of self- and peer-assessment is to help children to have a better understanding of assessment and therefore what constitutes progress and success.
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